AVision Privacy and Data Protection Statement
This Personal Data Protection Statement intends to set out how we will collect, use, disclose and retain your personal data with AVision to be in line with the newly enacted Personal Data Protection Act 2012. We are committed to treating all personal data with the due respect, in accordance with the relevant data protection laws of Singapore.
Disclaimer: The statements in this document are not intended to be representations or warranties that AVision is compliant with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 or any other data protection regulations. While we exercise due care and diligence in all aspects of our service delivery, AVision shall not be liable for any losses, damages or harm arising directly or indirectly out of any reliance on any statement or understanding set out in this page.
The Personal Data Protection Act or "PDPA" governs the collection, use and disclosure of personal data by private organisations. It contains various obligations relating to the Do Not Call Registry ("DNC Obligations") and the protection of personal data ("DP Obligations"). The DNC Obligations came into force on 2 January 2014 and the DP Obligations will come into force on 2 July 2014.
If you are an individual and you source our services for placement of any insurance product, your personal data will be collected, used, and/or disclosed in the course of our provisions of services to you.
If you are a corporation and you seek our services for placement of any group insurance products, you may be collecting and passing individual's personal data to AVision and from us to any of our insurance partners with whom we source and place the insurance policies with. -
If you consent to marketing, AVision may contact you to inform you about relevant products or services, special programme or other information which may be of interest to you.
If you subsequently decide you do not wish to receive marketing materials from us, all you need to do is to contact us.
Administration and Servicing
In order to process, administer and/or manage your relationship with AVision, we will have to collect, use and disclose your personal data.
- Personal Data
In processing, administering and/or managing your relationship, we may collect, use, disclose and/or process certain personal information or data about you. Such personal data may include information or data provided by you or other parties in the application forms, other forms or from other sources, including existing data in our record and/or to be collected in the future. - Purpose
Such personal data will be collected, used, disclosed and/or processed by AVision (or our principal insurers) for the purpose(s) of :
(a) Providing insurance and financial advice to recommend product(s) based on your risk profile and financial needs analysis, where applicable;
(b) Administration of your policies, which may include but is not limited to:
(i) Underwriting of the risk proposed
(ii) Requesting and collecting premiums
(iii) Providing regular information about your policy
(iv) Making changes or updates to your policy
(v) Reviewing, renewing or reinstating your policy
(vi) Carrying out your instructions or responding to any enquiries by you
(vii) Assessing and processing your claim(s) made under the policy
(c) Administration of your account which may include but is not limited to:
(i) maintenance of your account
(ii) performing or updating transactions on your account
(iii) carrying out your instructions or responding to any enquiries by you
(d) Dealing in any matters relating to your policies and/or accounts (including the emailing or posting of correspondence and other documents to you which may disclose certain personal data about you on the emails or envelopes/mail packages).
(e) Managing your relationship with AVision
(f) Compiling statistics for company or industry exercises and studies, to design and improve our products and services for you;
(g) Compliance monitoring and audit reviews;
(h) Complying with applicable regulations and laws, including carrying out due diligence or other screening activities (including background checks) in accordance with legal or regulatory obligations or risk management procedures that may be required by law or that may have been put in place by AVision;
(i) Providing general information on product enhancements and services, which are relevant to your needs or policies;
(j) Investigating fraud, misconduct, any unlawful action or omission, whether relating to your policy, your claims or any other matter relating to your policy, and whether or not there is any suspicion of the aforementioned;
(k) Archiving, backing-up or destroying personal data.
- Disclosure
Such personal data of yours will be disclosed by
(a) AVision to AVision group of companies (whether in Singapore or elsewhere in the world) and between each of them; and/or
(b) AVision (or AVision group of companies) to third party service providers, suppliers, affiliates and intermediaries as and when relevant or necessary for the purposes as described above. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, AVision may also disclose such personal data of yours to the following parties for the following purposes :
(i) To medical or healthcare service providers (eg. hospitals or clinics) or related organisations, dispute resolution bodies, legal advisors or investigators for administering, claims facilitation, and compliance/audit purposes;
(ii) To any of our third party service providers for servicing and administration of your plans or policies, whether in physical format or in electronic data medium;
(iii) To related insurance companies for the underwriting and administration of your plans or policies;
(iv) To banks, CPF agent banks, credit card companies, other financial institutions or CPF Board for the collection or refund of any monies due or payable;
(v) To related companies or third party vendors engaged by AVision to store and maintain our data and documents, (including storage for business recovery purposes);
(vi) To any regulatory, government and statutory body to comply with applicable laws or regulation or upon their valid request; and
(vii) To related company or regional office or head office to comply with company policies and procedures or upon their valid request.
Neither AVision nor any of its officials shall be liable for any loss or damage suffered by you and any user as a result of the disclosure of any personal data which you have consented to AVision.
- Consent
By accepting our services at AVision, you consent to AVision and/or AVision affiliates and representatives collecting, using, disclosing and/or processing the personal data mentioned above for the purposes as described above.
- Personal Data
1. The Company hereby represents, undertakes and warrants to AVision that :
(a) For any personal data of individuals that the Company will be or is disclosing to AVision, the Company would have prior to disclosing such personal data obtained the appropriate consent from the individuals whose personal data are being disclosed, to:
(i) Permit the Company to collect, use and/or disclose the individuals' personal data to AVision for the purpose of reviewing and implementation of appropriate insurance policy(ies), including the processing of the individuals' personal data for underwriting purposes, payment of premiums and/or claims purposes, and for statistical, compliance, audit and regulatory purposes;
(ii) Permit AVision and AVision group of companies (in Singapore and/or elsewhere) to collect, use, disclose and/or process the individuals' personal data for the purpose of issuance and administration of the Company's insurance policy(ies) or related policy(ies) but not limited to the processing of the individuals' personal data for underwriting purposes, payment of premiums and/or claims purposes, and statistical, compliance, audit and regulatory purposes; and
(iii) Permit AVision to disclose the individuals' personal data to AVision group of companies, third party service providers, suppliers, principal insurers, whether located in Singapore and/or elsewhere, for the purposes as described above
(b) Any personal data of individuals that the Company will be or is disclosing to AVision is accurate. Further, the Company shall give AVision notice in writing as soon as reasonably practicable should it be aware that any such personal data has been updated and/or changed after such disclosure.
2. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Company undertakes to indemnify and at all times hereafter to keep AVision and AVision group of companies (together with their respective officers, employees and agents) (each an "Injured Party") indemnified against any and all losses, damages, actions, proceedings, costs, claims, demands, liabilities (including full legal costs on a solicitor and own client basis) which may be suffered or incurred by the Injured Party or asserted against the Injured Party by any person or entity (including Company, his/her agents) whatsoever, in respect of any matter or event whatsoever arising out of, in the course of, by reason of or in respect of:
(a) Any breach of any of the provisions in this clause; and/or
(b) Any action or omission by the Company, that causes AVision and/or any of AVision group of companies to be in breach of the PDPA.